Friday, May 6, 2016

Magento Multiple Database Connection

Working with Magento 1.9 I was asked to make multiple read and write connections.
Magento has the possibility to configure read and write connections in the /app/etc/local.xml. Just set the tag use to let Magento know which one is available.

         <initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>
           <initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>

We can define n connections in the same config file like this test example

   SET NAMES utf8

The limit is that the connections are applied to the whole system but my idea is to set only for certain resources.
In this case I have a custom report module where I only want to make read connections in the Order table.
After overriding the Order resource Mage/Sales/Model/Resource/Order.php
Just make 3 updates

  1. Make a flag to know if its time to change the connection $reportConnection.
  2. Update function _construct() to create the custom connection and add it to the array of resources.
  3. Update function _getConnection() to decide if use the custom connection.

public $reportConnection = false;

*Just add the connection defined in the local.xml 'test_read'
protected function _construct(){
    $this->_init('sales/order', 'entity_id');

*Make the connection if the flag is set
protected function _getConnection($connectionName){
 if (isset($this->_connections[$connectionName])) {
   return $this->_connections[$connectionName];

   if($connectionName == 'read' && $this->reportConnection)
        $this->_connections[$connectionName] = $this->_resources->getConnection('test_read');
   if (!empty($this->_resourcePrefix)) {
      $this->_connections[$connectionName] = $this->_resources->getConnection(
      $this->_resourcePrefix . '_' . $connectionName);
  } else {
   $this->_connections[$connectionName] = $this->_resources->getConnection($connectionName);
   return $this->_connections[$connectionName];

Last step is to make call an Order collection but using the test_read connection.
//Get the Order model
$model = Mage::getModel('sales/order');
//set the flag
$model->getResource()->reportConnection = true;
//get the collection
$collection = $model->getCollection();


  1. Hola. Tengo un módulo personalizado en el que necesito guardar datos en una base de datos distinta a la de la tienda. ¿Dónde debería colocar la configuración de la base de datos externa? y, ¿cómo instancio la conexión en el controlador del módulo? Gracias de antemano.

  2. No lo he hecho todavia pero estoy seguro que todo se debe configurar en el config.xml de tu modulo. En el nodo puedes definir más conecciones y . Especifica que el y el va a usar las conecciones definidas en tu módulo.
    Al llamar tus modelos ya la conección debe funcionar automaticamente.

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