Saturday, November 11, 2017

Install package from private repository using composer from Bitbucket

By the use of composer is very simple to keep a package manager from different dependency in our projects. If you create your own package you must publish it in packagist in order composer can find it to install it. But if you want to have a private repository you must pay a fee in order to allow this from packagist.

So, can I have a private repository where composer can download my packages?
Yes, you can.

Per a request from my friends and family, I created this simple guide to install a package from a private repository that is hosted  in Bitbucket.


  1. Create SSH keys.
  2. Create my package.
  3. Add to my repository.
  4. Let's do it!

Create SSH

If you already have SSH private and public keys you can skip this step.
If not see Bitbucket guide.

1. Keep in hand the public key we will use it later.

My package

1. Lets create a package called "mypackage".


    "name": "abelbm/mypackage",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Abelbm\\Mypackage\\": "src"


namespace Abelbm\Mypackage;

class test {
    public function test(){
        echo "test";

2. Add this package in a git repository in Bitbucket with the repository name "mypackage".

3. Push also to your repository the tag "v1.0".

git tag -a v1.0 -m "first version"
git push origin v1.0

4. Check the tag in your repository.

5. Go to the repository's settings.

6. Navigate to the section "Access Keys".

7. Add your public key.

8. Done!

My project

1. Lets say we have our project called "myproject". Add a "composer.json" file.


    "require": {
        "abelbm/mypackage": "1.0"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url":  "ENTER YOUR REPOSITORY PATH"

2. Update the "url" with the SSH path of "mypackage". Example:

3. Using the terminal, navigate to "myproject" folder and run "composer" to install the package.

4. If everything is correct the package should install like a charm. Enjoy!